Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rights Watch- Human Rights Blog

Human Rights Law Clinic (HRLC)
The South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS)
House No. 55, Ground Floor, Road No. 5, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh

Plan for the Human Rights Blog (Draft)

The Human Rights Law Clinic (HRLC) at the South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS)is to initiate and run a blog (Rights Watch;

It aims to disseminate information and knowledge, to generate discussion, analysis and awareness on contemporary national and international human rights and legal issues.

It is to be managed and run by Student-Volunteers affiliated with the HRLC. This is to facilitate to have a pool of future-analysts, commentators and writers on human rights and legal issues. The HRLC shall arrange orientation and training sessions in this regard for the Contributors, Editors and other Affiliates of the blog. 

The entries for the blog are to be uploaded on a bi-monthly basis (starting from August 2012). Detailed plans and rosters are to be scheduled accordingly.

There shall be open invitations for contributions through the respective blog, Facebook Page and   website and other medium.

Entries should be brief and concisely-drafted (normally, below 1,200 words) with short introduction and contacts of the Contributors.

A Panel of Volunteer-Editors (formed beforehand) shall be responsible for editing and selecting contributions for the blog. Opinions expressed (through the contributions) will be those of the respective writers and authors or organizations concerned and will necessarily not reflect the official position of the HRLC or SAILS. All activities related to the blog will be voluntary in nature.

Following are proposed Sections of the blog:  

1.    News
This Section will compile contemporary developments of international and national human rights issues. It may contain news regarding human rights concerns and regional developments with a special focus of South Asia.

2.    Situation Report
Periodic reports on human rights concerns in Bangladesh and other countries; sources of information will be the United Nations and international and national human rights institutions and organizations.

3.    Profile
The blog is to profile renowned persons and organizations with significant contributions to the area of human rights advocacy, education, litigation and research. 

4.    Interview
There will be interviews of academics, activists, educators and experts of human rights with significant contributions to the respective field. There will be excerpts from other publications as well.

5.    Article
This Section will contain articles on human rights issues which are original in analysis and interpretations on contemporary human rights issues. The article should be neither of academic nor journalist in style, however, to be informative and thought-generating for the readers. It should be of maximum 1,200 words; and reference (endnote) might be cited. There will be excerpts from other publications as well.

6.    Judgment and Ruling
In this Section, there will be reports on recent judgments and ruling by courts of national and international jurisdictions having impacts on human rights.

7.    Human Rights Auditing of Laws
This Section is to be devoted for analysis of human rights aspects in laws passed by the National Parliament and other authorities.

8.    New Research
This Section is to report on initiation of any new research and outcomes of the completed ones on human rights and legal issues.

9.    Events News
This Section will contain news about various events and workshop on human rights issues.

10.    Upcoming Events
This Section will provide news on upcoming events organized by SAILS and others organizations related to human rights.

11.    Archive
The Section is to archive important instruments and documents related to human rights.

For any further query or to discuss about potential topic to contribute/compile, kindly mail to 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Project Work for the Human Rights Law Clinic

Dear Volunteers of the Human Rights Law Clinic,

We are hereby notifying you in reference to our earlier discussions.

You are expected to work on individual or group projects as part of your affiliation with the Human Rights Law Clinic (HRLC) at the South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS).

This activity aims to enhance your research, analytical, writing, communication and presentation skills among others. You will be provided required training, coaching and guidance in this regard.

The proposed activities for the project are as follows:

1. Research (on contemporary legal and human rights issues- undertake a desk/empirical research and prepare a original report of 20-25 pages);

2. Prepare a training module for an academic or a training programme;

2. Working on preparing briefs/memo/(writ) petitions;

3. Work in/with a community or group on/for a particular human rights/legal issue;

4. Work for the HRLC’s blog (;

The group should be consisting of 2-3 Volunteers.

The deadline for submitting your project plan is 30 August 2012. The timeline for completion of the project is to be scheduled in consultation with the individual or group concerned.

Should you have any query, please let us know.

With best regards,

Srabani Mia
Human Rights Law Clinic

 Volunteers of the HRLC with Mr. Rainer Ebert (07 August 2012)